Watch "A Fellow's Tale: Tyler Wallasch's Mountain Story"
« A Fellow's Tale: Tyler Wallasch's Mountain Story »
Dive deep into the world of Vuarnet’s Fellowship Alpine Emissary Program through A Fellow’s Tale: Mountain Stories, a collection of alpine vignettes.
« Standing in the start gate is just intense, there's not a lot of room for a lot of other emotions. »
The Olympic skicross racer's career began in his backyard at two-years-old and was developed through family weekends at Mammoth mountain.Tyler muses on his state of mind during the intensity of competition. The mental game is just as important and his physical conditioning.There is no off-season a competitive skicross racer. Tyler's seasons are structured around honing his craft to race to the best of his abilities when he gets in the start gate. When the snow melts, the real prep work begins.

A Fellow’s Tale: Mountain Stories is a collection of vignettes from the Vuarnet Fellowship Alpine Emissary Program. Vuarnet Fellows are relentless explorers and athletes, just as Vuarnet is relentless in our dedication to craftsmanship and quality protection. The Fellowship is an inclusive space that fosters an extraordinary sense of community in celebration of our inherent quest to commune with the mountains. A Fellow’s Tale explores the human side of experience, the desire to transcend ourselves and our Fellows’ essential need to pursue their particular paths in life.

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